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Very interesting, we had a very similar game for another game jam almost the same game loop but you are a player that caries items.

I quite liked it. The frantic managing of items, decisions on which units to make, and tactical unit placement made for quite a challenge!

Managed to get to wave 13. Do comment back if someone beats me, I will try again to get #1 ;). However, I'm still a bit confused about how the red / blue shields on the monsters work. It feels like half the time the blue shield blocks ranged attacks, and the other half it doesn't block them..? Usually I put 2 units next to them just to be safe

Thank you for playing the game! Here the answer to your question: The red shield blocks Arrows, the blue shield swords and the purple shield blocks magic.

Ahhh, I must have seen blue and purple as the same color, that explains it.

nicely done! very hooky concept and plays well!

minor feedback: having a more elegant inventory system would be nice - it can be frustrating to sort through the materials arriving by boat because they all land in the same spot. also, some sort of resource conversion system might help! i found myself in situations where i had tons of wood cluttering the build area but no leather, for example


Thank you for your feedback! I will definitely keep this in my mind if I make a full version.